Main Street Corridor Plan

Phase I

From 2013-2015, the City of Springfield engaged the community in a planning process to envision a preferred future for Main Street between Downtown and Thurston. The resulting Main Street Corridor Vision Plan identifies a long-term vision, goals, and implementation actions for land use changes and transportation choices on Main Street between 10th Street and 69th Street. The Vision Plan was adopted by the Springfield City Council in February 2015. Click below for a link to the final plan.

Main Street Corridor Vision Plan

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Phase II

The City’s land use plan designations and zoning along the 7-mile Main Street corridor have not been updated since the 1980s. The Vision Plan thus recommended updating the City Zoning Map, Development Code, and the land use designations identified in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan to enable the redevelopment and infill of land along the Main Street corridor to incrementally achieve the new pattern, mix, and intensity of uses envisioned in the adopted Vision Plan. The next phase of the Main Street Corridor Plan will evaluate existing policies and develop potential plan, zoning, and development code amendments to implement the Vision Plan. At this time a date to initiate this work has not been set.

For questions about this project, please contact:
Molly Markarian, Senior Planner, or 541.726.4611