Throughout Springfield’s history Main Street has been the “heart” of the community. Now, the City has a great opportunity to look at and think about the future of the seven miles that make up the Main Street corridor, and to identify and discuss potential changes along the corridor that will leverage our local economy and the quality of our community for decades to come. From the Willamette River out to Thurston, Main Street serves the community in many ways.
The City of Springfield, in partnership with Oregon Department of Transportation and Lane Transit District, is coordinating the Main Street Projects to look at:
- infrastructure safety improvements;
- pedestrian crossing improvements;
- feasibility of transit improvements;
- determining the community’s vision for future development along the corridor;
- improved lighting in downtown; and
- providing assistance to learn about and take advantage of a full range of travel options.
These efforts are being accomplished by using federal and state funds along with local matching funds. Springfield’s Mayor and Council place a very high value on open and transparent public processes that involve our citizens, and other stakeholders, in exploring issues and identifying problems and solutions.
The Our Main Street projects are coordinated through a three-tiered management structure that includes project direction provided by an ad hoc Governance Team composed of the Springfield Mayor and Councilors, LTD Board, the Oregon Department of Transportation, and management representation staff. Additional coordination occurs through project managers and agency staff oversight. For more information including meeting schedules, notes, materials, and agendas, visit the Governance Team Page.
Main Street Safety Project
The City of Springfield and the Oregon Department of Transportation formally launched the Planning Phase of the Main Street Safety Project in 2018. The project has pulled together detailed analysis and extensive community outreach to inform the selection of design concepts for infrastructure improvements to improve safety on Main Street from 20th Street to 72nd Street. The project is currently in the public hearing process.
Main-McVay Transit Study
The Main Street-McVay Highway Corridor follows Main Street from Thurston to Glenwood, and McVay Highway to Lane Community College. This project first identified transportation challenges and opportunities along the Main Street-McVay Highway Corridor through stakeholder input. The transit study is coordinating with Main Street Safety Project to confirm a preferred transit mode choice for Main Street and ensure that the Main Street Facility Plan accommodates current bus service and future transit solutions.
Main Street Pedestrian Crossing Project
The Main Street Pedestrian Crossing Project is a collaborative effort between the City of Springfield and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to improve safety for pedestrians crossing Main Street. Six crossings have already been installed to implement the pedestrian crossings recommended under the 2010 Main Street Pedestrian Safety Study and a seventh is planned.
Downtown Lighting
An outcome of the downtown circulation study, this small project will improve lighting and enhance existing crosswalks along identified blocks of Springfield’s downtown.
Previous Projects
Main Street Corridor Plan – Phase I of the project identified the community’s preferred future for land use and transportation on Main Street between 10th Street and 69th Street. Phase II of the project will explore updates to zoning and development regulations to support incremental redevelopment along the corridor to achieve the new pattern, mix, and intensity of uses envisioned in the adopted Vision Plan. At this time a date to initiate this work has not been set.
SmartTrips Main Street – This project was a comprehensive individual household and business outreach program aimed at increasing biking, walking, use of public transit, and ridesharing through education, incentives, and community outreach and events.